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Products for Sharp VC-M27HM
   Product  Additional info  Media  Language   Price  Cart
  Schematic Diagrams    Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $14.90
  Schematic Diagrams  Included in the service manual  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $15.00
  Service (Repair) Manual    Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $20.00
  Service Bulletin  'Failure of the front panel buttons.'  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $7.50
  Service Bulletin  'No operation'  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $7.50
  Service Bulletin  'will not come out of standby'  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $7.50
  Service Bulletin  'No operation from the remote control.'  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $7.50
  Service Bulletin  'Head switching point requires adjustment.'  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $7.50
  Service Bulletin  'When setting the timer, problems can be encountered if the stop time setting is set at 20 minutes past the hour'  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $7.50
  Service Bulletin  'will not respond to the remote control'  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $7.50
  Service Bulletin  'Dead or tripping power supply.'  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $7.50
  Service Bulletin  'The price codes for the following items are not listed in the service manual.'  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $7.50
  Service Bulletin  'will not respond to the front panel buttons'  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $7.50
  Service Bulletin  'The part numbers for switches S8801/2/3/4 are incorrectly shown in the service manual'  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $7.50
  Service Bulletin  'No colour and/or noisy picture.'  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $7.50
  Service Bulletin  'The Tape Control Operation Buttons particularly Ff And Rew may become sensitive and operate by slight pressure applied on top of the front cabinet.'  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $7.50
  Service Bulletin  'Erratic or intermittent functions'  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $7.50
  Service Bulletin  'EEPROM can not be programmed correctly'  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $7.50
  Service Bulletin  'When recieving a signal through the tuner, the screen goes into blue mute.'  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $7.50
  Service Bulletin  'erratic or intermittent timer programming operations'  Download (Acrobat .PDF)  English $7.50
Technical information

Service Bulletin:  Explains a specific failure and how to solve it. It usually contains 1 or 2 pages.

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